Where do you turn in a world full of hate, violence and lies? How do you stay sane? What do you do when all of a sudden the future becomes uncertain? My neighbour said the other day that she felt as if a black cloud was following her around all day. This was during a spell of amazing weather when the sun was shining from a blue sky…I know how she feels. Two years of constant fear-mongering are taking their toll – and there’s no end in sight. When I feel low, I turn to my garden or go for a walk with the girls. For them all that counts is the moment. They play, rest, sit in the sun and often just look around, as if they were contemplating the wonders of the world. Sometimes they watch me with interest when I roll on the ground with my camera. On the way home, I feel a little better but the black cloud follows me albeit at a distance. Here are some images of the beautiful woodland which is home to thousands of native daffodils (Narcissus pseudonarcissus), also called Lent or Easter lily. They are particularly beautiful this year and I’ve never seen so many dog’s tooth violets (Erythronium dens-canis). Due to intensive agriculture and thus loss of habitat such places are becoming increasingly rare. Daffodils thrive in undisturbed damp woodland and meadows. I’m very grateful that we still have several spots here, and this time of year is a true botanical highlight. Do you have wild daffodils where you live? I wish you a good week and hope, you too have somewhere and someone to turn to during these difficult times. Thanks to Cathy, who’s hosting the vase on a Monday – please visit her blog to see the other vases. PS: To watch last year’s video of this woodland click here.

Was tut man in einer Welt voller Hass, Gewalt und Lügen? Was macht man, um nicht den Verstand zu verlieren? Was, wenn die Zukunft plötzlich unsicher ist? Meine Nachbarin sagte vor kurzem, sie fühle sich, als ob ihr ständig eine schwarze Wolke folge. Das war in einer Schönwetterphase, als von morgens bis abends die Sonne schien…ich empfinde es auch so. Zwei Jahre gezielte Panikmache fordern ihren Tribut – und ein Ende ist nicht in Sicht. Wenn ich bedrückt bin, gehe ich entweder in den Garten oder drehe eine Runde mit den Mädels. Alles, was für sie zählt, ist der Augenblick. Sie spielen, ruhen, sitzen in der Sonne. Oft schauen sie nur, als betrachteten sie die Wunder der Welt um sie herum. Manchmal beobachten sie verwundert, wie ich mit der Kamera am Boden herumrobbe. Auf dem Rückweg fühle ich mich besser, aber die schwarze Wolke folgt mir, wenn auch mit grösserem Abstand. Hier sind ein paar Bilder aus dem zauberhaften Wald, der Tausende von wilden Narzissen (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) beherbergt. Dieses Jahr sind sie besonders schön, und nie zuvor gab’s so viele „Hundszähne“ (Erythronium dens-canis). Wegen der intensiven Landwirtschaft und dem Habitatverlust werden solche Orte immer seltener. Narzissen gedeihen in ungestörten, feuchten Wäldern und Wiesen. Ich bin sehr froh, dass es hier mehrere Orte gibt, und diese Jahreszeit ist stets ein botanisches Highlight. Gibt es bei euch wilde Osterglocken? Ich wünsche euch eine gute Woche und hoffe, ihr habt Kraftorte und Wesen, die euch in diesen schwierigen Zeiten Halt geben. Schaut euch auf Cathys Blog die Vasen der anderen Blogger an. Wenn ihr den letztjährigen Film über den Narzissenwald sehen möchtet, bitte hier klicken.

Babes in the wood ❣️
Just a simple vase filled with Narcissus pseudonarcissus, Helleborus foetidus and Polypodium.

35 thoughts

  1. Wish I could send you a large dose of cheer! I like your vase of daffodils with the fern’s magic revealed. The narcissus woodland is amazing. You live in a special place Annette.

  2. Oh it must be wonderful to be surrounded by so many daffodils. I don’t think there are any woods here like that though we do have bluebells, and on the yellow theme I saw the first Brimstone butterflies this morning.

  3. Liebe Frau Lepple, ich habe vor einigen Monaten ein tolles Buch gelesen: Mein Wabi Sabi Garten. Das kann ich wärmstens empfehlen, es hilft beim Relativieren und Carpe diem. 🙏 alles Gute für Sie und danke für die lichterfüllten Beiträge

    1. Danke, dass Sie mich daran erinnern ;), ich versuche sehr, danach zu leben, aber bei so viel Elend um einen herum, ist es nicht immer leicht. Freue mich sehr, dass es Ihnen gefällt 🙂

  4. Oh, how I wish I could channel the „in the moment“ mindset of your girls! I can detach myself at intervals when working in the garden but the ominous cloud never moves entirely out of the scene. Your daffodils are a joy to see. Wild daffodils aren’t something coastal Southern California can claim but I do have a variety of Narcissi that have naturalized here.

    1. I’m working on that too, they’re such an inspiration in many ways, Kris. For me it’s the same, momentary detachment…guess it’s better than nothing. Take care 🙂

  5. Wow. those woodlands are just as amazing as you said – what a wonderful sight! Your green and yellow earthenware pot full of blooms and foliage is such a fitting tribute – thanks so much for sharing everything today, Annette, and best wishes to you both 😊

  6. I feel the same, Annette, but it’s so important to concentrate on beautiful things and to share beauty with others…like you do 🤗 . Big virtual hug!

  7. What a wonderful sight and fabulous photos. I’ve never seen Dog’s Tooth Violets growing wild. I’ve bought a book on the wild flowers of the Aveyron and I am bowled over by the variety.

    1. Hi Liz, thank you for all your lovely comments. Which book did you get? I have one on the fauna which is a must have. How is your son doing? Have you been over here yet? Please get in touch when you do 🙂

      1. The book is called ‚L’Aveyron en Fleurs‘ by Christian Bernard. My son and daughter in law absolutely love it there. Unfortunately, at the moment they are having to come and go quite a bit for work . We came over last August but the Pianist wasn’t feeling too well so we didn’t do much. We are coming for a flying visit in April, but for longer in August so I will be in touch then.

      2. Thank you, I shall check it out. Mine is called ‚Faune sauvage de l’Aveyron‘ (Editions Rouergues), it’s fab if you are into wild animals. I’m sorry to hear that the Pianist wasn’t well and hope he’s back to his old self.

  8. Danke für den wunderschönen Spaziergang, wie immer ein Genuss 😊. Habe dein Lavendelbuch mittlerweile bekommen: es ist wie alle deine Bücher super-informativ, inspirierend und traumhaft bebildert. Ich glaube, wir müssen das Nachbargrundstück annektieren 😅

  9. Is babe number two a permanent friend for Nahia now? 😃 They are both so sweet, posing among the daffosils. And aren’t those flowers a glorious sight. I hope they raise your spirits Annette, even if only briefly. You know that I understand exactly how you feel. Some days I manage to forget everything for moments at a time while working outdoors, listening to the birds and insects. But that cloud is waiting around the next corner. Normally I would say we need a storm to clear the air and have a fresh start. But I don’t think that will work somehow. That sick feeling of foreboding is always there, in the pit of my stomach. We need to learn how to keep it at bay and focus on the flowers and the blue skies. Thank goodness I have my little oasis here, and you have such beautiful surroundings too. Stay strong Annette. Love and hugs. xx

    1. She’s definitely her best pal and luckily spends a lot of time with us. We wouldn’t mind taking her for good! Neil Oliver said recently that a storm is coming and I believe that too although I’m dreading it. Just came in from the garden where I sowed mangetout and planted cabbages and lettuce. This always makes me feel so much better. Thankfully we have our sanctuaries. Wishing you both a lovely evening. PS: Snail mail on its way.

  10. What a breathtaking show of daffodils in that woodland Annette and the dog’s teeth violets are magical too. We do not have any expanses of wild daffodils near to us but I’ve had the pleasure of seeing them in numbers growing in Cumbria. I stay sane by gardening, keeping in regular touch with family and good friends and trying not to worry about issues that I know I have no control over. I also limit the amount of news that I watch especially late at night. I’m glad to hear that your garden and dogs are bringing you some comfort in difficult days 🤗

    1. Dear Anna, you’re so right and I must really be ore disciplined and reduce my telegram consommation. Two years have been stolen from us and carpe diem so important. In the latest issue of Landscape is an article on daffs in the UK and they mention Cumbria. Wishing you a good start into spring xx

  11. What a beautiful place to walk Annette. We have nothing equal to that around here that I know of. It would be fun to visit our parks this fall and quietly plant patches of daffodils to surprise hikers in the spring. But I do believe the wild ones spread by themselves. Is that true?

    1. That’s a lovely thought, just like those guerilla gardeners sowing flower seeds. 🙂 Yes, the wild ones spread naturally but it takes quite a while until you have such a huge carpet. Yesterday I spotted lots of Italian bluebells. Must make a film, keeps me sane. Hope all is well with you, Cindy xx

    1. I’m sure they’d thrive in your climate, Julie 🙂 so good to hear from you. Hope all is well, we think of you both often. Waiting for an update on Frog Pond Farm but you’re probably to busy harvesting and enjoying late summer. Big hug ❣️

  12. I do what I can to help but beyond that, I don’t know what to do to calm the lingering anxiety about world events. However, I do know that Nature is a balm to our anxious souls and the pictures of the daffodils and your dogs are lovely to see. In my neck of the woods, the trout are swimming upstream to spawn, the snowdrops still bloom and the other spring bulbs are shooting up, These things, and my family, are a balm to my spirit. Plus, I find myself praying more often these days.

    1. Dear Cynthia, so lovely to hear from you. Nature is a great comfort and with spring being such a busy time I find it easier to block out the madness…still it won’t go away until more people begin to realize what’s going on. Wishing you and your loved ones happy spring days 🌷🙂

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