Today we’re celebrating the 9th (!) birthday of Cathy’s meme „In a vase on a Monday“. Couldn’t get over it at first – 9 years, how time flies! It speaks for the meme and the charming hostess that it’s still going strong after all this time. To celebrate the occasion Cathy organised a zoom meeting yesterday. It was fab to meet some of my garden friends albeit virtually – thanks again, Cathy, for making this possible. So many kind and caring people out there. It gives me hope in this weird world. 🙏 Before we get to the vase I want to share an aerial view of the garden which gives a better idea of the layout. The pics show the main garden without the potager, „Pompeii“ and „Treetops“ which I shall cover in another post.

Heute feiern wir den 9. (!) Geburtstag der Montagsvase. Kann es kaum glauben – 9 Jahre, wie die Zeit vergeht! Es spricht für das Meme und Cathy, die charmante Gastgeberin der Montagsvase, dass es sich noch immer grosser Beliebtheit erfreut. Gestern organisierte Cathy zur Feier des Tages ein Zoom-Meeting. Es war toll, einige meiner virtuellen Gartenfreunde zu treffen – vielen Dank fürs Organisieren, liebe Cathy. Es gibt so viele wunderbare, fürsorgliche Menschen da draussen. Das gibt mir Hoffnung in dieser irren Welt. 🙏 Ehe wir zur Vase kommen, möchte ich einige Luftaufnahmen des Gartens zeigen, die das Layout besser veranschaulichen. Auf den Bildern seht ihr den Hauptgarten ohne Gemüsegarten, „Pompeji“ und „Treetops“, die ich in einem anderen Beitrag vorstellen werde.

The main garden from above…
showing the different areas…
as well as the changes of level.

And here’s the vase which is supposed to look like a little firework 😃

Und hier ist die Vase, die wie ein kleines Feuerwerk anmuten soll 😃

The ingredients/die Zutaten: Plumbago auriculata, Bulbine frutescens, Plectranthus argentatus & P. ciliatus, Miscanthus, Pelargonium sidoides and Elaeagnus ebbingei.

Here you can see Plectranthus argentatus in situ – you understand why I can pinch some for the vase. 😉 It’s a superb plant for containers with a long flowering period, much beloved by bees and easy to propagate.

Hier seht ihr Plectranthus argentatus in situ – ihr seht, warum ich was für die Vase schneiden kann. 😉 Eine fantastische Topfpflanze mit einer langen Blütezeit, beliebt bei Bienen und kinderleicht zu vermehren.

Please pop over to Cathy to see the vases of my fellow bloggers. The head gardener and myself wish you happy November days ❣️ …and if you want to join us on a virtual autumn garden tour, we’d be delighted.

Schaut euch bei Cathy die Vasen meiner Bloggerfreunde an. Die Obergärtnerin und ich wünschen euch frohe Novembertage ❣️ und falls ihr Lust auf einen Rundgang im Herbstgarten habt, seid ihr herzlich willkommen.

41 thoughts

  1. Dear Annette,
    So nice to see the aerial views of your garden and get a feel for the layout. You have such a peaceful setting and stunning views. I wish I could sit there with you for a spell.
    Your video was so calming and soothing. I especially loved the pictures of your dog. I lost my 13-year old sweet doxie two weeks ago, and life has been empty since then. My heart still feels raw, but is slowly healing. Give your dog a hug for me, for there is nothing like the love of a dog.

    1. Dear Cindy, so good to hear from you! I’m thinking fo you often. Pity you’re so far away, it’d lovely to sit here, have a cup and chat. I’m sorry to learn that you’ve just lost your dog. It’s always terrible when they die. I wish they’d live as long as we do. You’re right, their love is unique. Don’t know where I’d be without mine, she’s such great company. Lots of love and a hug back to you

  2. Lovely to see your garden as a whole – a true paradise! I can see yoir posy much better in the photos today and the blue of the plumbago is wonderful Annette. I have some too and only wish there were more true blue plants I could grow! Your photo of the pelargonium is perfect – the one you sent me flowered beautifully, which makes its untidy growth excusable! Plectranthus is something I looked into after hearing how drought tolerant it is, but I think it wouldn’t like our cold spells in winter. And the Bulbine is new to me – very pretty! Have a wonderful week. Hugs! 🤗

    1. HI Cathy, the pelargonium flowers almost all year really. The Plectranthus is in pots only and I guess I could overwinter them in the greenhouse but then they’re so easy to propagate that I always take cuttings in autumn. Mind you, they develop a big root system in the vase in no time. Let me know if you want some cuttings. The bulbine is also in a pot and I take them in when it gets too frosty. Easy to propagate too. Did you plant your Plumbago out or is it in a pot? I’ll plant mine in the garden next spring. Big hug 🤗

      1. One day I’ll have a greenhouse and then you can send me some cuttings! I have space for plants indoors, but am always plagued by flies in the potting compost, so I try and keep my pots to a minimum. I have plumbago all around the garden. It spreads like mad, but isn’t really a problem. 😃 I love the autumn colour of the leaves.

      1. Danke der Nachfrage, liebe Annette.
        Es geht mir gut und ich genieße die unzähligen Kranichschwärme, die den blauen Himmel beschrifen … 😀
        Hier hat es inzwischen so gut geregnet, daß ich auf einem nahegelegenen Stück Brachland, daß sonst ultravertrocknet ist, um diverse tiefe und ausgedehnte Wasserpfützen herumbalancieren mußte. 🙂

  3. I love the aerial views and envy your beautiful woods. So interesting you can grow bulbine and plumbago there as I have them in my garden. The vase resembles fireworks and reflects celebration.

    1. The bulbine grows in pots but I’ll plant out the plumbago next spring. Friends of mine have a huge specimen in their garden so I’m hopeful that it’ll work out. 🙂

  4. What a beautiful garden nestled in among the trees, Annette! It looks like something out of a fairy tale to me. Your „fireworks“ display is prettier than most I’ve seen – and it spares us the loud booms and their unpleasant sulfur smell too 😉 The grasses and other foliage do a good job of showing off the slender blooms of Pelargonium sidoides, something I haven’t managed to do with those flowers in my own garden. Good to see the Head Gardener as well! If and when we have another call, you’ll need to introduce her.

    1. You’re right, I’m not a friend of fireworks either, I always think of the poor animals. I forgot to say that your cat made me smile – she or he was stretching joyfully on the settee in the background, it was so funny. Looking forward to seeing you again x

      1. My cat, Pipig (Swedish for „squeaky“) like to sleep there as there’s a heating pad underneath the afghan throw. Kitty nirvana! She’s very spoiled 😉

  5. Ein wunderbares Fleckchen Erde, liebe Annette, danke für die Luftaufnahmen. Nun habe ich ein besseres Verständnis. Tolle, inspirierende Bilder wie immer. Liebe Grüße

  6. How content you must be to live in the middle of such a paradise. The garden is really delightful and you have brought on some perfect shrubs and plantings. Thank you for making that film and sharing it with us. Happy ninth anniversary nice celebrated with the delightful arrangement. Would you mind letting us know the name of the music used as a background, it is so relaxing and perfect for reading a good gardening book to.

    1. Hi Noelle, it was so nice to meet you. Thanks for your appreciation of my garden and vase. You can find some beautiful music on Epidemic Sound but unfortunately you have to pay. Have a great week 🍁

  7. It was a pleasure to put a voice and face to to your name after all this time Annette 😀 As Kris said your house seems so comfortably „nestled‘ into the garden. It is a most beautiful setting and looks so tranquil and pleasing to the eye. I will return to watch the video. I grew plumbago years ago but only managed to get it through the winter once 😢 Such an intense blue! Thanks for your comment on my blog. I’m not down but was perhaps a bit grumpy after a beautiful afternoon out in the garden where I was frustrated by how long it takes me to accomplish certain tasks these days.

    1. I feel the same, Anna, good to connect to like-minded souls. I guess the plumbago’s hardiness increases with long summers. And then of course the soil should be well drained. I’ll plant it out in spring and hope for the best. I know what you mean, I’m also frustrated at times because I’m less efficient than I used to be. That’s just the way it goes, accepting it can be difficult but I’m working on it. We shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves. Take care x

  8. Liebe Annette,
    Euer Haus mit Garten könnte eine Vorlage sein für ein impressionistisches Gemälde.
    Wie wurden denn diese Fotos gemacht ? Mit einer Drohne vielleicht ?
    Dein Video ist sehr schön und ein wunderbarer Streifzug durch den Garten Herrliche Farben
    und man fühlt die schöne Atmosphäre.
    Die Obergärtnerin ist natürlich der unangefochtene Star.
    Liebe Grüße und eine gute Zeit !
    Herzlichst, Angela

    1. Liebe Angela, die habe ich mit der Drohne gemacht. Danke vielmals für deine lieben Worte. Ich gebe das Kompliment an die Obergärtnerin weiter. Alles Liebe für euch und bis bald 🌻

  9. Wow, your garden and home are beautiful, how wonderful to have the ability to get an aerial photo. And your lovely vase does, indeed look like fireworks – an apt theme for a 9th birthday celebration 🙂

    1. Hi, I think you couldn’t make it to our zoom meeting on Sunday? Such a pity but we might meet another time. Thanks for popping in and leaving such a nice comment 🙂

  10. I appreciated the long views of your garden. It’s quite breathtaking to see the scope of your world. The video was my evening meditation tonight and I thank you for sharing. Lovely to meet you over zoom Annette! Oh, and the vase of flowers with the fireworks to celebrate–so tender and touching.

  11. Hello Annette,
    The aerial view of your garden is absolutely stunning. It gives a much better impression of your garden and the surroundings as such. Great! Did you take the pic yourself? It will be interesting to get to know the other garden areas better as well. I love your Monday vase, it is joyous and sparkly and more than fitting for the occasion. I hope you are doing well. Cuddles to the head gardener.
    Love from Germany, Doris

    1. Liebe Doris, so schön, von dir zu hören. Ich hoffe, es geht euch gut und du kannst Natur und Garten genießen. Es ist ganz schnell jetzt ungemütlich geworden. Bin am Pflanzen der letzten Zwiebel und Stauden, dann ist Winterschlaf angesagt. Melde mich demnächst, schönes Wochenende 🤗

  12. Hello Annette …gosh I’m so late leaving a message! Sorry … what a super post my friend and I just love the aerial shots! To think I have been there and seen the beauty first hand. As for your stunning vase.. it is quite lovely! As is your beautiful pooch. Hugs x

    1. Hello my friend, hope all is well. Been waiting for a Frogpong post for quite some time. No doubt you’re busy with the garden and hopefully enjoying a fab summer. It’s very cold here and I enjoy the break. So is the head gardener snoozing by the fire. Sending you both lots of love 😘

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